Democrats Focusing on Spring Municipal Elections

Please join us for our next meeting, on Thursday, March 6. We’ll meet at 7 p.m. at the Libertyville Civic Center, 135 W. Church St., Libertyville. Our meetings are casual and friendly, with Democratic officeholders and candidates often dropping by. Our meetings usually last about an hour and are open to Democrats.

The municipal elections on April 1 will be a major topic at our meeting. Voters will select village trustees, township trustees, library trustees and park district commissioners in these nonpartisan elections. Voters in Libertyville, Mundelein, and Vernon Hills will also choose mayors.

Libertyville Township Democrats are volunteers working to elect Democrats at local, state, and national levels—the official Democratic Party organization in Libertyville Township, Illinois. Despite the name, the township borders extend well beyond the village of Libertyville to include parts of Mundelein, Vernon Hills, Green Oaks, Mettawa, and Lake Forest. (See the township map.)

Municipal elections are a great time to get more involved in the democratic process. Check here to keep up-to-date on Democratic events.

To keep up with local Democratic news, visit the private Libertyville Township Democrats Group on Facebook.